Work-Life Balance among Nurses working in Tertiary Level Hospital


  • Anita Kandel Department of Nursing,Yeti Health Science Academy, Kantipath, Maharajgunj, Nepal.
  • Bima Thapa Chhetri Department of Nursing,Yeti Health Science Academy, Kantipath, Maharajgunj, Nepal.


Introduction: Work-Life Balance (WLB) is defined as a degree to which a person is engaged in and satisfied with their work, family and social life. The objective of this study was to assess the level of WLB among nurses working in tertiary level hospital and to measure the association between independent variables and level of WLB.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 95 nurses working in different wards of tertiary level hospital by using non-probability purposive sample method during the month of March 2020 for two weeks. Self-developed, semi structured pretested questionnaire was used for data collection.

Results: The respondents who had achieved a moderate level of WLB balance was 86.3%, whereas 3.2 % have managed to maintain balance and the remaining 10.5% have reported an imbalanced state of WLB. There was a significant relationship between the type of family (p=0.03), work experience (p=0.04) and the number of earning members in the family (p=0.047) with the level of WLB respectively.


Conclusions: The study concludes that nurses are able to maintain a moderately balanced state of work-life.




How to Cite

Kandel, A. ., & Thapa Chhetri, B. . (2021). Work-Life Balance among Nurses working in Tertiary Level Hospital. Nepal Medical Journal, 4(1), 37–43. Retrieved from

