A Rare Case of Pulmonary Embolism: A Case Report


  • Tirtha Man Shrestha Department of General Practice and Emergency Medicine, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital,
  • Ram Neupane Department of General Practice and Emergency Medicine, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital
  • Bandana Neupane Department of General Practice and Emergency Medicine, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital,
  • Reeju Manandhar Gangalal National Heart Center.


Pulmonary embolism in an old patient with a history of coagulation disorder, any recent major surgeries or in a chronic heart or lung diseases is widely reported. Also, a recent history of travel by air with flight distance of more than 5000km or BMI greater than 35 kg/m2 increase risk. However, we report here, a suggestive case of acute pulmonary embolism in a previously well male of 38 years, with a BMI of 25.71kg/m2 without any history of chronic illness or acute exacerbations.

The patient presented in health facility with sudden onset of radiating chest pain and some other nonspecific symptoms. Neither any other significant personal risk factors except smoking, nor any family history of heart/lung diseases were ruled out during initial assessments. On investigations, other routine examinations were normal but T-wave inversion was noticed in lead V1-4 in ECG, Troponin-I was positive and CPK-MB was slightly elevated (27 U/L). Furthermore, no any remarkable changes were noticed in Chest X-ray. Then, the patient was referred to higher center with cardiac facility with provisional diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome for further evaluation and management.

Thereupon, Coronary Angiogram (CAG) was done and the report was normal but echocardiography findings were suggestive of pulmonary Embolism. D-dimer was also elevated (8279.05 ng/ml) but venous doppler study of bilateral lower limb was normal. Finally, CT-PA showed partially occluding thrombus in main pulmonary bifurcation extending into left and right pulmonary artery, its bilateral segmental branches and calcified granuloma was seen in right lobe of liver. Patient was under inj. LMWH and other supportive management during hospitalization. After an uneventful hospital stay for 12 days, general condition was improved and eventually, patient was discharged, with oral warfarin.

Keywords: chest pain; Nepal; pulmonary embolism; risk factors.




How to Cite

Shrestha, T. M., Neupane, R., Neupane, B., & Manandhar, R. (2019). A Rare Case of Pulmonary Embolism: A Case Report. Nepal Medical Journal, 2(1), 105–109. Retrieved from http://nmj.com.np/nmj/index.php/nmj/article/view/95

